Friday, October 23, 2009

I never needed a pup hood to do it "doggie-style"...

One evening, as I perused through a leather gear site, I noticed the proliferation of pup hoods and masks that are now on the market. The quality and practicality of these accessories for a human pup is a matter of preference. The owner, as well as the pup, needs to ask him/herself the inevitable question: "Do I really need to wear all of this pup gear in order to play the role of a human pup/dawg?"

I vote NO!

Now, call me old-fashioned, but when I first entered the Leather and BDSM arena back in late 1998, the human pup movement was just getting onto it's four doggie feet. Owning a pup hood was considered a luxury, and there weren't many to be found from many of the leather distributors. I had to (shocking comment) use my imagination and maybe a pair of kneepads and a jockstrap to boot, IF I was lucky! My past Sirs and owners truly craved the interaction they had with me as their human pup, with all the wonderful mannerisms and puppy personality that I could add to it. And I truly felt like a dog, barked, growled, fetched, and begged as a pup. All I needed to be a pup was the energy exchange between my Sir and myself, as well as using our disciplined, yet carefree imaginations.

It would be wonderful to hear more about the hot play that a Sir/Owner has with his/her pup, than whether the boy has the proper puppy buttplug in his/her ass and the right kind of hood!

Power to the pups!

-A Shaggy Mutt in Seattle

1 comment:

  1. Mutt-
    The same can be said for all play. Too much gear talk and not enough discussion about play. One of the most imaginative scenes I ever had was with a boy in a hotel room. No gear. No toys. But lots of imagination. Using lamp cords, towels, and sheets, a hot scene. Of course, I am sure the maids were not amused the next morning!
